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Wouldn't You Like to Restore a Full Head of Hair the Same Day?

You Don't Want To Waste

Your Time.

My name is Dr. Leola Anifowoshe and I've been doing Hair Restoration for over 25 years.

There is a great chance my team and I can help you get same day hair regrowth ...but the only way to know for sure is to have a quick conversation with you.

Now - if  "the shoe was on the other foot", I'd be pretty hesitant to book a phone call with someone I don't know.

So please realize this conversation isn't a sales pitch in disguise or one of those "high pressure" calls that are disguised as "free consultation".

Regardless of whether or not we work together, I promise you'll get real value right out of the gate.

Here's Exactly What Happens When We Talk

The sole purpose of our conversation is to see if I can help you.

I can't help everyone and we'll know whether or not I can help you in the first few minutes.

Assuming that I can restore your hair growth, this is what we'll do:

Here's What Happens When We Work Together.


Start with a Scalp Analysis :

A scalp analysis is the start to achieving gorgeous, healthy hair. During this specialized examination, a trained trichologist (hair and scalp expert) will closely inspect your scalp and strands. They'll use bright lights and magnifying tools and may even gently pull on some hairs to assess shedding levels. You'll also share the ins and outs of your hair care routine, diet, stress levels, and product use - all critical in the analysis! With the evidence gathered, the hair doctor will develop a plan just for you, to restore your hair's vibrant health and leave you feeling confident with a full head of hair.


Stem Cell Technology:

Stem cells are like tiny repair kits for your body. We take special stem cells and apply them directly to your scalp where your hair needs help. These stem cells are like magical little helpers that can wake up dormant hair follicles and encourage them to start growing new hair. It's like giving your scalp a boost of natural growth power! You will not just get immediate gratification but also long-term hair regeneration.

Step 3


Lastly, we add some finishing touches. Using our revolutionary patent-pending process the stem cells are part of the pigments. We carefully place tiny dots of pigment onto your scalp. These dots look just like real hair follicles. They blend in seamlessly with your existing hair, giving the appearance of a fuller head of hair instantly. Over the next few months your hair gradually becomes thicker, healthier and more vibrant.

With these 3 Steps... We Can Help You Achieve Same-Day Hair Regrowth and Leave our Clinic Feeling More Confident than Ever!

Call or Text 1-844-307-9884 (24/7)

to Book Your Appointment!

Dr. Leola

She Gets It! :

Chief Trichologist Dr. Leola Anifowoshe, is on a mission to provide hope to individuals battling hair loss.

She suffered hair loss herself while battling an autoimmune disease and was determined to find a solution. She has discovered non-surgical solutions for restoring hair.

Hair loss is not the end of the story. We offer a multi-therapeutic approach to address the unique needs of our clients, providing them with non-surgical options for restoring their hair. Say hello to a future filled with confidence, radiance and the joy of a fuller, more beautiful head of hair.

Results Achieved Same Day!

Call or Text 1-844-307-9884 (24/7)

to Book Your Appointment!